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2017-03-13 hearing
Town of Princeton, Mass. – March 13, 2017 – 6:30 PM
Board of Selectmen –Regular Meeting Minutes  

Chairman Stan Moss, Edith Morgan, and Jon Fudeman plus TA Nina Nazarian.

6:31 PM   Stan opened BOS meeting in the Thomas Prince School. A stenographer was present and transcribed the entire hearing. (These minutes therefore do not capture the specifics of the meeting, please refer to the transcript). Stan asked if anyone in the audience was (voice) recording the hearing, there was one individual who indicated they were recording the hearing, and Stan announced that to those in attendance.
        The Board voted 3-0 to open the Public Hearing on the Assessment of Cable License Applications. The Board then voted 3-0 to waive the reading of the hearing notice.
Stan introduced the Board of Selectmen, Town Administrator, and Special Counsel Bill August. He asked that the Cable Advisory Committee introduce themselves (R. Lane Ware, Phil Gransewicz, David Union, and David Hilton in attendance). He then read aloud an Opening Statement for the Public Hearing on Cable Television Franchise Applications.
Stan then turned the floor over to Comcast Cable Communications Management, LLC (Comcast). Timothy Kelly, Director of Government & Regulatory Affairs presented information on behalf of Comcast. When the presentation by Mr. Kelly was complete, Stan opened the floor to questions of the Board of Selectmen and Cable Advisory Committee. Once questions by both boards were complete, Stan opened the floor to questions by the public.

7:44 PM  Once all questions to Comcast were complete, the Board voted 3-0 to recess the hearing. The purpose of the recess was to allow Charter Communications Entertainment I, LLC (Charter) to set up for their presentation.
7:57 PM  The Board voted 3-0 to continue the hearing.
Stan turned the floor over to Charter. Thomas Cohan, Director of Government Affairs introduced himself and others present representing Charter. When the presentation by Mr. Cohan was complete, Stan opened the floor to questions of the Board of Selectmen and Cable Advisory Committee. Once questions by both boards were complete, Stan opened the floor to questions by the public.

8:57 PM  The Board voted 3-0 to continue the hearing to April 3, 2017 at 6:30 PM at the Town Hall Annex.

Stan then provided the attendees an overview on the process.

9:04 PM  The Board voted 3-0 to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted, Nina Nazarian, Town Administrator

BOS Referenced Documents: Opening Statement, including the Hearing Exhibits